Key Research Issues on Urban Aboriginal Economic Development [Aboriginal Business Development Centre, ABDC]

Aboriginal Business and Community Development Centre (ABDC)
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Year of publication: 

"This Research Issues Paper is intended to guide discussions in the first stage of the Network, by identifying an initial set of issues which arise from the academic literature on urban Aboriginal communities. The Paper is organized around a series of contexts that confront those as they work to develop their economies, participate in the wage economy, and develop a business sector. These include:
1) the socio-demographic context
2) the jurisdictional context
3) the policy context
4) the institutional context, and
5) the program context.
For each section, an attempt is made to set out the key strategic questions or issues facing communities, and the key research questions that are generated by our current state of knowledge about urban Aboriginal communities.

As this Paper is not written as a literature review, the references are limited, with the expectation that as the Network develops more intensive descriptions of the existing literature will be created for the various topics adopted by participants."