Sample Templates and Synopses of Financial Policies and Procedures [Aboriginal Financial Officers Association, AFOA]

Aboriginal Financial Officers Association (AFOA)
Publisher acronym:

Disclaimer: The following sample financial policy/procedural templates have been reviewed and certified by the Aboriginal Financial Officers of Canada (AFOA) as meeting Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Any resemblance to an existing First Nation community/organization’s financial code is entirely coincidental, or permission to share has been obtained and credited to the source First Nation community/organization. As these samples are intended for knowledge-sharing purposes only, wherever possible, the AFOA has attempted to include all potential financial procedural information that could apply to both a large or small First Nations community and organization. Additional sample financial code samples will be available in the upcoming year. For more information, please contact the AFOA toll-free at 1-(866)-722-2362.