
Sustainable Development Technology Fund [Canada Business Network, CBN]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

If you create technology that deals with climate change issues, clean air, clean water or soil quality, you could get funding to cover up to 33% of the costs involved in developing and testing your product.

JEDI Aboriginal Development Fund [Canada Business Network, CBN]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

If you are Aboriginal and live in New Brunswick, you can apply for up to $2,500 to cover part of the costs of starting or growing a business.

New Brunswick Opportunities Fund [Government of New Brunswick]

Government of New Brunswick
Year of publication: 

The New Brunswick Post-Secondary Opportunities Fund was established to match monies institutions raise for need-based bursaries. The $1M per year provincial contribution is used to encourage donations from the private sector to create endowment funds to provide scholarships and bursaries for New Brunswick students in financial need who attend public universities and community colleges in New Brunswick. With donations of $2M from the private sector this means a potential of $3M will be added each year to the endowment funds.

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