
The Investment Readiness Program 2020 [Community Foundations]

Community Foundations
Year of publication: 

The Investment Readiness Program

Atlantic Growth Strategy- Year 2 Report [Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, ACOA]

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
Year of publication: 

Since the launch of the Atlantic Growth Strategy, the governments of Canada and the Atlantic provinces have worked collaboratively to build a vibrant economic future for Atlantic Canada by focusing on five strategic priorities:

-skilled workforce and immigration,
-clean growth and climate change,
-trade and investment,
- and infrastructure.

Tzeachten First Nation Land Use Plan [Tzeachten First Nation]

Dillon Consulting Limited
Year of publication: 

A wonderful resource that describes the land use planning operations of the nation, zoning classification, community planning and design, clear outcomes and development. A great example for others to use as a template for planning in their community.

Building Your Business with Overseas and U.S. Visitors: A Toolkit on How to Work with Travel Trade [Tourism Nova Scotia]

Tourism Nova Scotia
Year of publication: 

Welcome to your introductory travel trade toolkit, developed as a tool to help
grow your overseas and United States visitor business!
This Travel Trade toolkit is designed to provide tactics, processes and best business
practices on how to develop and expand your distribution, and ultimately, your
business. The toolkit focuses on the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany,
France and China markets.

Open Textbook: Building a Competitive First Nation Investment Climate [Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics]

Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics
Year of publication: 

It is an open text book in two ways. First, anyone can use it as a resource on how to create the administrative, fiscal and legal framework to support markets on First Nations and in some cases tribal lands. Our purpose is to help tribes and First Nations fill these gaps preventing us from participating in the economy. Our purpose is to provide the knowledge and skills to develop our laws, establish our property rights, generate independent revenues to build infrastructure and lower the costs of doing business on our lands.

Home [Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics]

Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics
Year of publication: 

The Tulo Centre offers high quality workshops on a variety of specific topics. We can also work with you to develop custom workshops.

The Tulo Center offers the open textbook Building a Competitive First Nation Investment Climate free to read and open to collaborate.

The Tulo Centre offers outstanding accredited programs to help First Nations build legal and administrative frameworks for markets to work.

Guide to Doing Business in New Brunswick, Canada [Josh J.B. McElman & Arthur T. Doyle]

Cox & Palmer Law
Year of publication: 

“This is a general guide to certain laws applicable to doing business in New Brunswick, Canada. The guide covers topics such as, structures for doing business in New Brunswick, investment, import/export, warranties and consumer protection, director liability and investment, with an emphasis on labour and employment and tax.”

Income Tax, Investment Income, and the Indian Act: Getting Back on Track [Canadian Tax Foundation, CTF]

Canadian Tax Foundation (CTF)
Year of publication: 

"Recent case law on the application of the tax exemption in section 87 of the Indian Act to Indian investment income has taken a very different approach to the purpose and scope of the exemption from that expressed in the leading decisions from the Supreme Court of Canada.

The Economics of First Nations Governance Investment Capital, Money and Wealth Accumulation [National Centre for First Nations Governance]

National Center for First Nation Governance (NCFNG)
Year of publication: 

"Poverty is still the norm for most of Canada’s First Nations, despite ongoing efforts over many years to stimulate reserve economies, including significant investment by governments trying to ‘prime the economic pump’. There are, however, some good examples where the pattern has been changed and communities are breaking the chains of poverty. There are lessons to be learned from both within Canada and outside as to what can be done to alleviate poverty and stimulate economic growth.

Partnering Among Aboriginal Communities: Tribal Councils Investment Group (TCIG) [Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, JAED]

Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development (JAED)
Year of publication: 

"In keeping with the goal of sustainability, the First Nations of Manitoba identified a need for an investment vehicle that would allow them to participate in economic initiatives on a larger project-level than could be achieved by individual communities. By working together, they could access the capital necessary to build a capital pol that would then be available for further investment. The profits return to communities for use in whatever way they choose. The vehicle formed to meet these goals is Tribal Councils Investment Group (ICIG)"


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