
Stretched Beyond Human Limits: Death by Poverty in First Nations [Canadian Review of Social Policy]

Canadian Review of Social Policy
Year of publication: 

"Indian” policy in Canada has been historically based on the objective of assimilating the Indigenous population. There has been recent movement to create policies that support First Nations’ self-governance, yet, the Indian Act and its related policies have not been amended to reflect this change. Thus federal policy now hovers between the two conflicting objectives. The result is chronic poverty in First Nations, a worsening problem that has stymied federal policymakers."

Aboriginal Co-operatives in Canada: Current Situation & Potential for Growth [Canadian Co-Operative Association]

Canadian Co-Operative Association
Year of publication: 

"This report reviews the contexts within which Aboriginal co-operatives exist, considers the suitability of the co-operative model for what Aboriginal leaders say about the kind of economy they wish to encourage, and draws up the findings of eleven case studies to make a series of conclusions and recommendations about the potential for growth for co-operatives owned by Aboriginal peoples for their own purposes. "

Challenging the Deficit Paradigm: Grounds for Optimism Among First Nations in Canada [Canadian Journal of Native Studies, CJNS]

Canadian Journal of Native Studies (CJNS)
Year of publication: 

"In contrast to the deficit paradigm's view of First Nations as victims beset with numerous problems e focus on positive developments for First Nations in Canada since the 1969 White paper. Four areas are examined: self-government, organizational capacity, structures of opportunity, and resistance to oppression. A profound transformation of the First Nation sociological landscape is observed as First Nation interests have become vested in the Canadian state, marginalization has diminished substantially, and structures of opportunity have opened."

Rebuilding the Economic Base of Indian Communities: The Micmac in Nova Scotia [Fred Wien]

Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP)
Year of publication: 

"The economic history of the Micmac in Nova Scotia is detailed, and the contemporary demographic, educational and employment patterns of the population is examined closely. An overview of the four important social science theories that apply to the population is given. Policies and strategies to promote development of both on and off reserve populations are elaborated."

Quality of Life of Aboriginal People in Canada: An Analysis of Current Research [Daniel Salée]

Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP)
Year of publication: 

"The Institute for Research on Public Policy has launched a new research program on the quality of life of Aboriginal people in Canada. As the first step in this endeavour, this paper aims to take stock of the current state of knowledge of the broad issues related to the quality of life and well-being of Aboriginal people, of innovations that are ameliorating their living conditions and of the linkages between quality of life and governance in their communities.

Successful Development in Aboriginal Communities: Does it Depend Upon a Particular Process [Cynthia Chataway]

Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development (JAED)
Year of publication: 

"This article brings needed attention to the process of structural change in Aboriginal communities, which has been largely neglected in current policy and practice on economic development and good governance. New research strongly suggests that generalized trust (social capital), and a capacity to discuss rather than suppress conflict (social cohesion), are crucial to long-term success in economic development and self- government.

Training the Excluded for Work: Access and Equity for Women, Immigrants, First Nations, Youth, and People with Low Income [Canadian Journal of Political Science, CJPS]

Canadian Journal of Political Science (CJPS)
Year of publication: 

"Training the Excluded for Work is an important contribution to debates about the importance and viability of job training policies and programmes that are directed to those who are "excluded" in the Canadian labour market. It is also timely insofar as job training, in contrast to post-secondary education policy, remains somewhat under examined in Canada. This is particularly ironic, as job training has emerged as a key issue for policy makers, industry, workers and activists.

Seeing Like a Circle: Perspectives on the Field from a Dialogue on Urban Aboriginal Economic Development [Aboriginal Policy Studies, APS]

Aboriginal Policy Studies (APS)
Year of publication: 

"Since the early 1970s, Aboriginal communities, policy analysts, and researchers have constructed “urban Aboriginal economic development” as both a domain of strategic intervention and a field of tactical contestation. An integral part of this project has been the creation of a body of academic knowledge about urban Aboriginal peoples and their relationship to the economy.

Dances with Dependency: Out of Poverty through Self-Reliance [Ravencrest Publishing]

Cubbie Blue Publishing, Inc.
Year of publication: 

"Dances with Dependency offers effective strategies to eliminate welfare dependency and help eradicate poverty among indigenous populations. Beginning with an impassioned and insightful portrait of today’s native communities, it connects the prevailing impoverishment and despair directly to a “dependency mindset” forged by welfare economics. To reframe this debilitating mindset, it advocates policy reform in conjunction with a return to native peoples’ 10,000-year tradition of self-reliance based on personal responsibility and cultural awareness."

The Economic Dependency Trap: Breaking Free to Self-Reliance [Calvin Helin]

Cubbie Blue Publishing, Inc.
Year of publication: 

"This book offers effective strategies to help erase poverty. It advocates self-reliance, policy reform and cultural awareness. Accountability is required from all; the middle class, the trust fund babies and the underprivileged who see themselves as perpetual victims and have fallen into the entitlement trap. True Blue-prints are offered to rescue people from an economical slump and help them improve their life, and re-obtain a sense of self-worth."


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