Living rhythms: Lessons in Aboriginal economic resilience and vision [McGill-Queen's University Press]

McGill-Queen's University Press
Year of publication: 

"There are few works on economic development among Canada's Aboriginal. Living Rhythms offers a current perspective on indigenous economics, planning, business development, sustainable development, and knowledge systems. Using a series of cases studies featuring Aboriginal communities and organizations, Wanda Wuttunee shows that their adaptations to economic and social development are based on indigenous wisdom and experience. She demonstrates that the choices made to meet community and individual goals in Aboriginal economic development, business and entrepreneurship growth are important to a strong Canadian economy. Will Aboriginal communities cherish the environment, elders, and traditions or will maximizing returns on investment be the objective? Are these objectives mutually exclusive? What does it mean to Aboriginal communities to participate meaningfully in the economy? What are the benefits and what are the costs of these choices? "

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