
Forest Enhancement Program - Agreement [Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry]

Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry

This program provides incentives for the preparation of forest management plans and selected nonclearcut silvicultural treatments. All activities under the Forest Enhancement Program are cost shared between the provincial government and the landowner and must meet the standards contained in the Ecosystem-Based Forest Management manual

Forest Enhancement Program [Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry]

Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry

This program provides incentives for the preparation of forest management plans and selected nonclearcut silvicultural treatments. All activities under the Forest Enhancement Program are cost shared between the provincial government and the landowner and must meet the standards contained in the Ecosystem-Based Forest Management manual

Burning Permit - Common Questions [Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry]

Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Link to frequently asked questions regarding obtaining a burning permit.

Forest Fire Suppression Course [Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry]

Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Woodlot managers must be prepared to protect their livelihoods, which includes the threat of forest fires. This website contains Information about enrolling in a forest fire suppression course.

A Quick Guide to Woodlot Harvesting [Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, NSDNR]

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources

This brochure provides tips regarding how to harvest woodlots.

Events for Woodlot Owners [Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, NSDNR]

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources

A list of events for woodlot owners, including information about the forest ecosystem classification trainers' certification course, management techniques, chainsaw use and safety training, and sustainable woodlot management workshop.

Selling Standing Timber? Here are Some Tips [Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, NSDNR]

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources

There are many things to consider before harvesting wood from your land. The value of the timber is only one consideration. Things such as water quality, wildlife habitat, environmental protection, future timber and woodlot values, and recreation are also important features. These can be maintained or improved if harvesting is done properly. All it takes is knowledge, careful planning and follow through. This brochure lists the steps to follow to make sure the harvest turns out the way you want it to, even if you don’t do it yourself.

Nova Scotia's Code of Forest Practice: A Framework for the Implementation of Sustainable Forest Management [Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, NSDNR]

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Year of publication: 

The Code of Forest Practice principles has provided a framework of new direction for the wide range of activities that are and will be happening in Nova Scotia’s forests. They are based on the concept of sustainable forest management which greatly expands the range of priorities for forest use across the province, while at the same time considers the long term well being of the forest environment.

Timber Management - Growth and Yield Model [Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, NSDNR]

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources

Over 1,000 Permanent Sample Plots (PSPs) have been monitored for up to 30 years in managed forests by the Timber Management Group (map). PSP's have been established in plantations, pre-commercial and commercial thinnings and selection harvests in a variety of forest types and locations on private and crown land throughout the province. Data from these plots are utilized to develop Nova Scotia's Growth and Yield Model for both softwood and hardwood species. This model predicts the yields from our forest stands when managed.

Silviculture [Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, NSDNR]

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources

To insure that Nova Scotia's forests are harvested in a sustainable way, its growth and quality is enhanced through the use of silviculture techniques. Some of the silviculture treatments tested, surveyed and reported on include shelter wood, and seed tree harvests, plantations, vegetation management, pre-commercial thinning, and crop-tree-release. Silviculture guides are included here to keep industry actors well informed about the newest best management principles.


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