
Would Financial Incentives for Leaving Welfare Lead Some People to Stay on Welfare Longer? An Experimental Evaluation of 'Entry Effects' in the SSP [David Card, Philip K. Robins and Winston Lin]

National Bureau of Economic Research
Year of publication: 

“This paper reports findings from what we believe to be the first randomized evaluation of “entry effects” associated with a welfare program innovation.”

Lessons from Abroad: Towards a New Social Model for Canada's Aboriginal Peoples [Martin Papillon and Gina Cosentino]

Canadian Policy Research Networks Inc.
Year of publication: 

“This paper compares the welfare conditions, policy challenges and opportunities for Aboriginal peoples in the United States, Australia and New Zealand. Our objective is to point to some of the common challenges facing Aboriginal social policies in different countries. What can we learn from experiences elsewhere to build Canada’s social knowledge as it relates to Aboriginal peoples?”

Dances with Dependency: Out of Poverty through Self-Reliance [Ravencrest Publishing]

Cubbie Blue Publishing, Inc.
Year of publication: 

"Dances with Dependency offers effective strategies to eliminate welfare dependency and help eradicate poverty among indigenous populations. Beginning with an impassioned and insightful portrait of today’s native communities, it connects the prevailing impoverishment and despair directly to a “dependency mindset” forged by welfare economics. To reframe this debilitating mindset, it advocates policy reform in conjunction with a return to native peoples’ 10,000-year tradition of self-reliance based on personal responsibility and cultural awareness."

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