During this 90-minute webinar, Dr. John M.H. Kelly, Co-Director of the Centre for Indigenous Research, Culture, Language and Education (CIRCLE) at Carleton University, and Laura-Lee Balkwill, Policy Analyst, Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research, will focus on key issues in TCPS 2 Chapter 9 including community engagement, complex authority structures, capacity building and research agreements.
In the past year, the Tulo Centre has been working with the Ngāi Tahu Research Centre at the University of Canterbury. Recently a delegation came from New Zealand to meet with the Tulo Centre to discuss the formalization of a working relationship between the two research centres. The Tulo Centre is pleased to bring you this conversation where Manny Jules, Te Maire Tau, Darren Russell and Rinito Davis discuss the creation of the Alliance for Renewing Indigenous Economies and the concept of Indigenous jurisdiction.
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Year of publication:
The First Nations Communications Toolkit is a unique resource jointly developed by Aboriginal
Affairs and Northern Development Canada, BC Region, and Tewanee Consulting Group. The toolkit was
originally developed in 2007 and continues to provide a good basic overview of communications planning,
activities and tools. While the fundamentals of communication such as engaging your audience and
It is an open text book in two ways. First, anyone can use it as a resource on how to create the administrative, fiscal and legal framework to support markets on First Nations and in some cases tribal lands. Our purpose is to help tribes and First Nations fill these gaps preventing us from participating in the economy. Our purpose is to provide the knowledge and skills to develop our laws, establish our property rights, generate independent revenues to build infrastructure and lower the costs of doing business on our lands.
For the last 40 years Manny Jules and like-minded First Nation and Indigenous leaders have developed an algorithm to creatively destroy the colonial framework represented by the Indian Act and the Department of Indian Affairs.
The Aboriginal Software Tester Training Course is a PQA Testing initiative, funded jointly by PQA and the Joint Economic Development Initiative (JEDI) that provides Aboriginal people with recognized qualifications for the IT industry as Software Testers. The mission of the program is to inform, guide and support participants in learning the appropriate skills and knowledge to meet their goals for a career in this field.
The marine industry is growing and thousands of job opportunities exist right now.
To help meet this demand and diversify the workforce, the federal government, through the Oceans Protection Plan, is providing $2.5 million in bursaries for women and Indigenous peoples to pursue marine education. As a woman or Indigenous person, you may qualify to have 90% of the course cost covered.
This is a classroom teaching manual and tool that guides the class through various histories, stories, teachings, and traditions of Mi'kmaq from the past and present. There are teaching points and discussion questions presented throughout. The manual also provides Mi'kmaq language and dictionary of common terms.
Application Forms for various programs and associated scholarships.
Three scholarships per year valued at $1500 dollars may be awarded to applicants from three aboriginal groups who are enrolled in a technical / trade program with a recognized post- secondary institution.
Bird Heavy Civil Ltd. Aboriginal Scholarship is a program designed to assist and support the indigenous people of Canada with their career development and growth as they attend post secondary education.
First Nations $1500
Inuit $1500
Metis $1500
Total Per Year $4500