Statistics on Indigenous peoples [Statistics Canada]

Statistics Canada
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Crime and victimization
Includes information on adult criminal courts, corrections, crime reporting, victim services, children and youth, and violence against Indigenous women.

Demographic characteristics and Indigenous groups
Includes demographic, social and economic characteristics of Indigenous peoples.

Education, learning and skills
Education and skills related to the Indigenous population in Canada, including educational attainment, field of study, educational outcomes, literacy, and technology use.

Health and well-being
The health of Indigenous people and communities in Canada, including self-rated health, chronic conditions, well-being, life expectancy, and accessibility to health providers and services.

Income and spending
Individual and family income by source, and spending in Indigenous households.

Indigenous children
Demographic, social and economic characteristics of Indigenous children, and data on health and well-being.

Indigenous population profiles
Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the Indigenous population available for various geographic areas.

Labour and employment
Measures of labour market activity, such as employment, characteristics of jobs held, and unemployment.

Language and culture
Information is available on home language, mother tongue; ability to speak or understand an Indigenous language, the strength and vitality of Indigenous languages and factors associated with perpetuating and revitalizing these languages.

Living arrangements and housing
Information about housing conditions, house features, crowding, and unmet shelter needs for Indigenous peoples.

Other content related to Indigenous peoples
The objectives of the Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) are to identify the needs of Aboriginal peoples and to inform policy and programs aimed at improving the well-being of Aboriginal peoples.